Welcome to See Me Fit!

Thank you for visiting my blog! My true passion is connecting with people on a one-on-one basis and helping them reach their goals. If you're looking for personalized exercise programs or a wellness coach, please contact me at SeeMeFit. I specialize in weight training, creating cardiovascular programs with an emphasis on multi-zone training, and creating SMART goals.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Portions Versus Servings and WHY the Difference is Crucial

Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live – Socrates

Thousands of years before the obesity epidemic, Socrates offers advice about food, drink and it’s purpose. We realize we need food and water to survive in the most basic of ways, but how much is needed? Specifically, what constitutes a portion of food or drink versus a serving? I’m not talking about caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, or basal metabolic rates (though those are all worthy of individual topics). What makes a portion of food? Can you look at a plate and know you’re eating 2 servings of protein? The short answer is yes, with some practice. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Southwest Tour 2011

I'm back from vacation! It's a bit of a challenge to step away from my routine, especially when that routine involves eating and exercising (and tracking such things to ensure progress), but I managed to do it AND enjoy myself AND not worry about it!

Short story: I flew to Denver July 1st (buckle your seat belts, Denver has dreadful turbulence) and drove back home on the 17th. We mountain biked, hiked, camped, stayed with family, stayed at a B&B and sadly did not get to go river rafting. The river was raging and I was told I would not be a happy camper if I were submerged and getting pummeled with icy, class 4 rapids. Read on for the long story…