Welcome to See Me Fit!

Thank you for visiting my blog! My true passion is connecting with people on a one-on-one basis and helping them reach their goals. If you're looking for personalized exercise programs or a wellness coach, please contact me at SeeMeFit. I specialize in weight training, creating cardiovascular programs with an emphasis on multi-zone training, and creating SMART goals.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sample Workout: Running & weight training

I can't believe it's almost October! My favorite month is days away and I'm already in the mood for pumpkin. Instead of hitting the sugar-bomb Pumpkin Lattes I add a tbsp of pumpkin pie puree to my oats in the morning (along with a pinch of cinnamon) and it hits the spot. Let's not forget Halloween, the spooky rides at Disneyland, Oktoberfest, the changing of the leaves, and the option to wear scarves and close-toed shoes in Southern California :-).

I WISH I carved these guys.

I've noticed that my website SeeMeFit has been getting a lot of hits (thank you!) but not too many buyers. I think that might be due to the lack of flashy testimonials (which I couldn't legally bring with me from my last employer) and possibly due to the lack of sample workouts. You'd like to know what you're getting if you're spending your hard earned money on a service, right?

Enter the sample workout. I may try to update the blog 2x/week if this catches on, but let's see how it goes first. I'll use myself and my current workout as the first one.

The client:
Jenny is 27 and is training for a half marathon. She found a half marathon plan (Jeff Galloway's) for beginners and is loosely following that 3x/week. She's in good shape and wants to continue cross-training 2-3x/week, but running is absolutely the main focus. She's content with the amount of cardio she's doing but knows she'll have to cut back on weight training, specifically no more lifting heavy things. This makes Jenny a sad panda.

Sad Panda indeed.

Jenny wants a weight training workout that will compliment her running and not leave her with sore quads the day after deadlifts.

The workout:
Similar to what she was doing before, but with a few switch-ups.
  • 3 full body workouts so that if an extra rest day is needed it won't throw off the training schedule.
  • Multi-joint exercises to burn calories in a short amount of time
  • High reps, low weight. This is endurance weight training to a T.
  • NO exercises that lead to delayed onset muscle soreness of the leg muscles. No more front or back squats because someone (ahem) can't stand to lift less than 50#. Also removed: side lunge and touch (too prone to injury), adductor/abductor specific exercises, walking lunges, one leg deadlifts, and a few others.
  • Emphasis on core and upper body work because the legs are getting a good workout 3x/week.
  • Stretch, roll, release after every workout. A smooth recovery is essential to a good workout the next day!

Day 1
Chin ups: 3 x 12-15 ( 3 sets @ 12 reps)
Bosu squats:3 x 15**
Bench press: 3 x 12
Stiff leg deadlift: 3 x 15
Arnold press: 3 x 12
Plank ball shuffle: 3 x until I can't stay up (check out here if you've never done these)
Medicine ball chop: 3 x 12 (12 per arm, not total!)
Weighted sit up: 3 x 25
Glute bridge: 3 x 20 sec
Rotator cuff: 3 x 15 per arm

Day 2
Push-up: 3 x 10 (not modified!)
Dbell isometric lunges: 3 x 8 per leg**
Dbell plank row: 3 x 10 per arm
Squat to overhead press: 3 x 12-15
Tricep dip: 3 x 15
Burpees: 3 x I.Can't.Move (beginner or advanced)
One leg plank: 3 x 10 sec/leg
Step-ups: 3 x 2 reps of the stairs (I utilize the 2-story gym and walk up the stairs, skipping a stair so I get a wider reach. Jog back down, repeat)**
Side leg lift: 3 x 15 per leg

Day 3
Pull ups: 3 x 12
Cable woodchoppers: 3 x 15 per side
Good mornings: 3 x 12** (check 'em out)
Incline press: 3 x 12
Sumo deadlift: 3 x 15**
Tricep pushdown: 3 x 12
Mountain climbers: 3 x 40 reps
Side plank: 3 x 15 s
Wrist curl: 3 x 15 per hand
Reverse wrist curl: 3 x 15 per hand

**You might be looking at these and thinking: Jenny, you just said you cut out deadlifts and squats. I cut out heavy lifting, but I'm still doing these with either a 10# bar (that I can't add weights to), or 10# dumbbells.  Going from a 140# deadlift to 10# feels like a really good hamstring stretch, not weight lifting :-)

Put it all together and my week looks pretty close to this:
Sunday: Long run (6 - 12 mi)
Monday: Day 1 weights
Tuesday: Short run (3 - 6 mi)
Wednesday: Day 2 weights (or rest)
Thursday: Short run (3 - 6 mi)
Friday: Day 3 weights
Saturday: Rest

Do you have a request for a sample weight training program? Email me at SeeMeFit or leave a comment and I'll be happy to help out :-)

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